Online Part-Time Jobs for Extra Cash STAT
Aug 22, 2017 • Shen Mascariñas
Aug 22, 2017 • Shen Mascariñas
“Just a 5-minute social media break,” a promise that often extends to an hour. No judgment passed. After all, the need to go online is stronger than ever—not only for millennials checking their accounts, but also for many businesses operating virtually. The remote moneymaking possibilities have grown exponentially, and many of these don’t even require quitting your 9 to 5 office job (meaning more cha-ching).
Say goodbye to the all too familiar feeling of petsa de peligro! Take advantage of the beautiful Internet world (aside from lurking on your crush); here are 8 online jobs you can do on the side.
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Here’s a win-win situation that’s sure to make you sleep better: Help others land jobs with your part-time job! Through websites like ResumeEdge and WriterBay, you can write and edit resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn profiles for extra cash.
Who knew sheer honesty could yield money? There are a number of websites that will pay you for answering surveys. Some even give rewards aside from cash. Here are some you can get started with: PanelPlace, Mobrog, Pinecone Research and ACOP.
The specifics of the job will vary on the listing, but the requirements are mostly online admin work. Find the virtual boss of your dreams in these listing websites: FlexJobs, Upwork and AskSunday.
Don’t worry; your college degree need not be education. Although, experienced teachers interested to work remotely are of course very much welcome. As long as you can communicate English properly and have sufficient knowledge on the subject, you can start helping students. Sign up at Eduboard.
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