8 Ways to Shut Your Anxiety Down Right Now
Jun 13, 2016 • Alexis Betia
Jun 13, 2016 • Alexis Betia
A lot of people don’t take anxiety (and mental health in general) seriously in the Philippines. Indeed, with crime, corruption, poverty and a whole slew of other issues in between, it may seem difficult to muster sympathy for people who have this condition.
So let’s get the facts straight: an anxiety disorder is not a made-up thing. People who have anxiety disorders suffer from frequent, intense, and often debilitating bouts of worry, nervousness, apprehension and uncertainty over everyday situations, often reaching their peak (a panic/anxiety attack, or compulsive behavior) within minutes. These feelings are difficult to control, do not require a trigger, and can last anywhere from minutes to entire days. Most importantly, having anxiety doesn’t make you weak—it only means you’re human.
So if you’re reading this because something has triggered your anxiety and need a quick pick-me-up, here are a couple of things that might help.
Number 4 is crucial. Don’t forget to breathe.
There you go, nice and easy.
Get your mind off whatever is giving you anxiety and play this neat little game for as long as you need to. It’s simple and won’t demand anything from you, I promise. Bonus points for the background music. Play Flow here.
Talking to someone always helps, but that luxury isn’t always available. Or you just don’t want to “burden” someone else with your sh*t. Head on over to The Thoughts Room and let it all out.
Alexis is a freelance copy-creative for screen and events. When she isn’t busy with work and motherhood, you can find her on the internet beefing up her reservoir of useless information, or scream-crying about the latest K-pop comeback.
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