Next Generation Gaming and its Actual Effects on Players
Jan 20, 2016 • Jaime Gonzalo
Jan 20, 2016 • Jaime Gonzalo
By Jaime Gonzalo
What is next generation gaming? Basically, when somebody says “next generation” they mean anything that was developed after the release of the PS4 and Xbox One. And they’re that because of the intense graphics, long storylines, smooth gameplay, and they often offer an online gaming experience.
But, it isn’t all good stories and high definition. The boom in gaming has had both positive and negative effects on the consumer. Let’s take a look at next generation gaming and its actual effects on players.
Sport or not, this enhanced online gaming experience that players immerse themselves into can prove to be a problem if they neglect physical activity like exercise. It also detaches them from real world extracurricular activities that would otherwise benefit them socially.
If these games were put in the wrong hands, it’s possible that one could draw bad motivation from them. Games like Hatred, where the main character is on a mission to commit massive man slaughter is an example of a violent game with little to no purpose. It’s a game like Hatred that gives violent games a bad name. Developers should put more meaning and justification behind the violence of their games.
This being said, the rise of long RPG and adventure games greatly affect a large number of dedicated gamers. Not only is it unhealthy to deprive one’s self of sleep, it is potentially fatal. There have been a number of deaths due to long rigorous hours of gaming and it is downright alarming. Gamers must be responsible and not neglect their health.
Open world basically means that you can access the whole playing world—even after finishing the game’s storyline. This gives a player the ability to be the bringer of his own destiny. In Fallout 4, for example, it is up to you how you want to rebuild the post-apocalyptic wasteland you find yourself in. Open world gaming brings out the unique player in each gamer. One gamer may approach a certain game a different way than you would, giving you both totally different stories altogether.
Virtual Reality devices such as the Oculus Rift and the Microsoft HoloLens have been widely marketed and tested but there still isn’t a retail version available. This being said, a lot of regular folk have already tested out these products and have given their objective thumbs ups. It’s an exciting new venture in video games; and one that will most likely succeed.
In a nutshell, if video games are put to good use and not abused, they can actually be helpful.
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