8 Pinoy Cities That Express Your Feelings
Feb 7, 2015 • 8List and Aldrin Tirones (Illustration)
Feb 7, 2015 • 8List and Aldrin Tirones (Illustration)
[dropcap letter=”M”]ost of us may already know the hidden meanings behind countries like JAPAN, ITALY, and LIBYA (here’s an 8List.ph article devoted to it!), but did you know that our local cities are also secretly acronyms?
Here are a few Philippine cities and their subterranean meanings that will make your love month more special. Show this to your lover–real, imaginary, or potential–and you just may be on your way to everlasting love!
Enjoy, and happy hearts month to everyone! P.A.R.A.N.A.Q.U.E.!
Do you know other cities that are secretly acronyms? Share them in the comments below!
Aldrin’s teacher rejected and returned his coloring book activity page back in kindergarten. Since then, he has been determined to make artworks worthy of an Excellent Star. He loves to illustrate, design logos, customize things and do pretty much everything that has something to do with visual arts. He's currently a designer for 8List.
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