1862 posts
What’s happening in the world today? To clue you in on what matters, here are some fresh takes on trending news worldwide.
8 Lessons We Can Learn From the Shopee BLACKPINK Meet-and-Greet Fiasco

Everyone walks away with a lesson.
#ShopeeScam: Series of Unfortunate Events from the BLACKPINK Fans vs Shopee Fiasco

Noted, don’t mess with Blinks.
Week in Weird: THAT Terrifying Sorority Video + The Spider That Made a Home in A Woman’s Ear

People are strange.
Week in Weird: There’s Poop in This Gelato + Cheese Made With a Celebrity’s Groin Bacteria (Yup)

Lace shorts for men are also in!
Week in Weird: The Guy Who Catches His Poop and the Woman Who Jumped Out of a Moving Vehicle Because Spider!

This week, Shanti Dope thanks PDEA for the hits.