1861 posts
What’s happening in the world today? To clue you in on what matters, here are some fresh takes on trending news worldwide.
‘Glee’ Cast Members Pay Heartbreaking Tribute for Naya Rivera on Social Media

Another bright star, gone too soon.
These Are the 11 Representatives Who Stood Up for ABS-CBN And Voted ‘NO’ to Its Franchise Denial

These are the congressmen and congresswomen who chose to go against the grain.
Week in Weird: After Finding Bugs in His Broccoli, This Dude Became a Dad to Seven Caterpillars

Do we blame the broccoli?
8 Reasons Why We’ve Stopped Talking About The Anti-Terrorism Bill (And Why We Shouldn’t)

The fight’s far from over.
This Week in Weird: Would You Get Married in a Sailor Moon-Inspired Wedding Gown?

You can buy what now?
PSA: Here’s Why Joking About Someone’s Mental Health Will Never Be Okay

Case in point: Jobert Sucaldito’s mess.