8 (Spoiler-Free) Fun Bits to Look Forward to in ‘Avengers: The Age Of Ultron’
Apr 24, 2015 • Tim Henares
Apr 24, 2015 • Tim Henares
[dropcap letter=”L”]ike the title says, we won’t be here to spoil any key plot points in the film. With that said, the film definitely has a lot of little things going for it that fans of all levels of intensity will appreciate. From the hardcore comic book readers to the casual fan who just wants to see some Chris Hemsworth beefcake or Scarlett Johansson cheesecake, Age of Ultron has a little of everything to satisfy you.
Here are just 8 of those little things that made the Avengers sequel such a joy to watch.
If you watched Pinnochio as a kid, do you remember this little ditty?
Well, just like how amazingly creepy it was when Joker sang Only You, you would understand how clever this spin on the children’s classic is.
…you’d be pleasantly surprised to find out that the guy portraying Quicksilver already had prior experience being a superhero of sorts—as Kick-Ass. Yeah.
Ant-Man? Batman vs Superman? Maybe even Star Wars Episode VII! There are so many good trailers right now, and you would be remiss to not see them, if only because there’s probably a craptastic Andi Eigenmann movie lurking in the wings.
This was in the trailers, so it’s not really a spoiler, but that very strange armor you see Iron Man wearing to take on the Hulk? It’s appropriately known as the Hulkbuster.
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